Rock has taken on many different forms. In fact, one way to classify this subgenre is by how long it has been around. One of the most recognizable subgenres of rock is pop-rock. It began in the early 1980s and has gained popularity throughout the decade.
There is a whole bunch of music that falls under the rock genre. However, pop-rock is a great genre because it has so many amazing bands. Many pop-rock bands have the best known and biggest hits. We will explore some of these groups.

The Ramones
One of the most recognizable types of pop-punk bands is The Ramones. The band's original members ended up going their separate ways after they formed the band again in the early '80s. However, they gained popularity again in the late '00s. Although the band has gone through many lineup changes, their most successful period came with the single "Punish Play."
Chaka Khan
The best pop-rock bands of all time have a little bit of everything in common. They tend to be made up almost entirely of women, and a strong, charming vocalist often leads them. A favorite female vocalist of mine is Chaka Khan. The singer sings about high school life and love while backing her band with a wide range of female vocals.

A Perfect Circle
A Perfect Circle is also a great band with some fantastic songs. The songs from this band tend to be very emotional, focusing on love or broken relationships. Most of the songs on their album are about heartache.
The Replacements
Many of the best pop-rock bands of all time started out playing instruments. Some of the most famous examples are The Replacements, with their massive success in the mid-'80s. A lot of newer bands that you hear today have their roots set on the American country circuit. I am sure many bands began as country bands that broke up a few years later because they wanted to try something else.
Punk Rock Genre
Another group that fits into the pop music genre is the punk-rock sub-genre. These groups usually focus on a vocalist who delivers a very loud, angry, and anti-social type of sound. This is what gives punk songs its edge over other types of pop music.
Most punk rock bands have gone on to make a name for themselves by performing live, writing songs where they talk about the things, they are upset about in society today, or experimenting and trying to come up with new sounds and styles. A few examples of this are: Taking Back Sunday, No Compromise, and Pissed Off.

Finally, the pop-punk sub-genre is less focused on vocals and has more of an edgy hard rock sound. This is the sound of bands such as Blasting Horse, Pennywise, and Crooked Fingers. These groups are not really about rock music per se but are more about being rebellious, having a strong sense of humor, and expressing their opinions through extreme music. Some examples of this type of music include: Kaleidoscope, Voodoo Child, and God Save the Wolf.